A Referee’s responsibility

We as referees have three elements of our game. Prepare, perform and reflect. How well we do each one of those, amplifies our ability as a referee.



A requirement of being a soccer official is to accept or decline your assignments as soon as possible after you receive them. Our assignors work tirelessly, and at times thanklessly, to assign the appropriately experienced official to a particular match. It is imperative that you do your job by responding accordingly.

Please make sure that your availability calendar is updated in RefInsight. The tutorial on how to do that is located in the “HVSRA Member Area” of this website. Most of the leagues that this region serves are assigned through RefInsigth. If there are unforeseen events that preclude you from turning a game back, it is your responsibility to contact the lead assignor of that match. It is best to communicate through a phone call. Do not rely on email or text messaging services.

Failure to not take action on an assignment, may eliminate your from your future assignments, so please take your responsibility seriously.

Youth matches are generally assigned by the Thursday prior to scheduled game (and most games are on weekends).  The lead assignor for District 4 is Brian Baer (

Adult matches are also assigned through RefInsight, and the assignor is Galo Trujillo (

Contacting the Home Team’s Coach:

It is strongly recommended [not a requirement] that you contact the home team’s coach not less than 24 hours prior to the match. You may find the team official’s contact information listed in the HVSRA Member’s Area of our website. [Note: You must be a paid member of HVSRA to access this portion of the site].

Here is a sample of what you will send to the home coach:

Coach Jones,

I have been assigned as the Match Referee for your game this Sunday at 1:00pm at Podunk Park.

If there are any changes here is my contact info. should you need to reach me:

914-123-4567 (home)

845-123-4567 (cell)


Tom Thumb

Contacting the Referee Team:

Equally important is communicating with your team if you are the center referee working a 3-man system. It is required that you communicate with your team via email (best) or text message (better), not less than 48 hours prior to the match. Pick a central place where you’ll meet and walk onto the field together as a team. You can speak to your pre-game during the “walk of pride”. Using the text message thread is good, especially if you all are coming from different games to a new location. It gives everyone the expectation that you’re all in good communication with each other.

Before you arrive at the field: >Check your gear; >Eat and drink properly; >Contact the coach and confirm the game details; >Contact your crew [if you have one]; >Plan your trip, know how long it’s going to take you to get there.

At the field: >Meet your crew and walk in together; > Greet the coaches; >Inspect the field conditions; >Inspect the goals and confirm they are anchored [Do NOT start the game until they are]; >Check the balls for proper inflation; >Check the teams in [no jewelry, no metal cleats]; >Coin toss; >Remember to breathe and have fun!

After the game ends: >Observe the handshake between the two teams; >Confirm the final score and misconducts [if any] with the coaches; >Debrief with your crew and/or referee mentor; >Write your match report!!!

Issues involving referee abuse or referee assault on an official must be communicated to the President via a phone call (646.500.3065)  IMMEDIATELY.

PERFORM: Match Day Information

Referee Fees

Referee Fees - Spring 2025. This is a pdf file available for download. Print it and keep it in your bag.

Field locations

Field locations are available in RefInsight (click on the “information” icon to the left of the match listing on your assignment). For further direction on how to access this, please go to the Member Only Area and use the RefInsight Tutorial.

If you notice a location that is not current or is incorrect, please send an email to Brian Baer immediately.

Game Operating Procedures

HVYSL: 2024 Game Operating Procedures. Of note: 1. There is no slide-tackling allowed at U11 or younger; 2. No hand-written coaches or players on the roster; 3. Game reporting is using the GotSport link on the roster and scores may be reported by the team official.

USYS - National League: Go to the website here

ECNL-Regional League: Game operating procedures. Please note the correct value for the referee fees are listed on the referee fee sheet above.

EDP - North Atlantic League: Go to the website here

Elite Academy League: 2024/25 Referee Handbook. Note: you will be required to download Mod11 to your phone to access the rosters and provide your match reporting. Use the QR Code in the handbook to access Mod11. HINT: game reporting is easier on a computer than a phone.

ENYYSA State Cup 2025: Referee Handbook

ENYYSA Challenge Cup 2025: Referee Handbook

ENYYSA Referee Reference “cheat” Sheet

MLS Next: Referee Handbook.

National Academy League: 2023 Game Operating Procedures.

UPSL: 2024 Game Operating Procedures.

Game report submitted by Center Referee via link :

Minimum standards report submitted by 4th Official via link:
If there's no 4th official, the center referee is required to submit both the game report and minimum standards report.

UPSL Academy: 2024 - 2025 Game Operating Procedures.

UWS2: 2024 Referee Handbook / 2024 Referee Report

WPSL: 2024 Referee Handbook

Assistant Referees and Club Linesperson(s):


The diagonal system of control consists of one referee and two assistant referees. All competitions sanctioned by the U.S. Soccer Federation require the use of this officiating system and certain competitions may require the use of a fourth official.

In order to comply with the Laws of the Game all games sanctioned directly or indirectly by member organizations of the U.S. Soccer Federation must employ the diagonal system of control and be assigned according to the following order or preference:

  • One registered referee and two registered assistant referees

  • One registered referee, one registered assistant referee and one unregistered club linesperson*

  • One registered referee and two unregistered club linespersons*

  • One registered referee only if no unregistered club linespersons are available or if one registered referee is appropriate for the level of competition

*Club linespersons are only allowed to signal for the ball in and out of play. The preference should always been given to unregistered club linespersons who have no affiliation to the participating teams. 


Referee Game Reports:

Similarly to accepting assignments, if you are officiating any match in the leagues outlined below, you are required to complete and submit a game report. The link to the game report, and instructions on how to complete them are listed below. Each league has different requirements on how and what to complete, but all require a game report.

Failure to not submit a report in a timely fashion, may eliminate you from your future assignments. Please complete your report in a timely fashion.

Reports from games involving red cards, injuries, assault, or other unusual situations (such as improper player passes or forfeits) should be sent to the league officials and the lead assignor should be copied as well.

Issues involving referee abuse or referee assault on an official must be communicated to the President via a phone call (646.500.3065)  IMMEDIATELY.

Game reports through |.

Event Code: 4334a6 | Event PIN: 32340 | Game # [hint:look on the roster].
You may also use the QR Code at the top right of the match’s roster for either team. Referees are required to input goals and misconducts [if any] within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.

USYS - National League: Game reports through |.

Event Code: NASP24 | Event PIN: 6655 | Game # [hint:look on the roster].
You may also use the QR Code at the top right of the match’s roster for either team. Referees are required to input goals and misconducts [if any] within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.

EDP - League Cup: Game reports through |.

Event Code: 28b032 | Event PIN: 5454 | Game # [hint:look on the roster].
You may also use the QR Code at the top right of the match’s roster for either team. Referees are required to input goals and misconducts [if any] within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.

EDP - North Atlantic League: Game reports through |.

Event Code: NYCS F24-S25 | Event PIN: 2425 | Game # [hint:look on the roster].
You may also use the QR Code at the top right of the match’s roster for either team. Referees are required to input goals and misconducts [if any] within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.

Elite Academy League: Use Mod11

National Academy League: The completed game card will be returned to the HOME TEAM, for them to submit to the league

UPSL: Complete the USSF Game Report and forward to the league office noted in the handbook.

USSF Game Report (other leagues or as requested)

USSF 4th Official Report. To be used for UPSL matches when a 4th Official has been assigned.

Referee Report Manual  
For reporting a summary of the match, plus misconduct and unusual incidents. Reports can be saved electronically.

Cancelled Games and Referee Payments:

Throughout the year, a game may be cancelled at the last minute due to field conditions or a team forfeiting or some other occurrence. Each league we serve has a different policy/procedure when it comes to paying a referee, assistant referee, or 4th Official for a cancelled game. It is your responsibility to understand what that policy is [not the assignor, your parent, our board, etc.]. It will help you if you communicate with the home coach at least 24 hours prior to kick off.

In order to expedite and assist in your payment for these anomalies, you will be required to complete the form linked below.

It is your responsibility as the referee, assistant referee, or 4th Official to follow up with the league or the club to receive payment. Please do not contact your assignor.

For all leagues use this Referee Payment Form. Please note, you will be required to attach a PDF of the email you sent to the home coach confirming the match. Instructions on how to communicate with a coach are at the top of this page.

The Referee Fees for 2024-2025 for reference.